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High End Show Munich 2016

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A few words about the brand new Meteor Mipa amplifier. We stick to the topology where the solid state technology finds its place between two transformers: input and output. Thus, same as all Mipas, (and even SR Phonos) the Meteor Mipa features a transformer at its input and one at its output. They are of the latest toroidal technology using silver wire , silk and organic beeswax, all hand labour. Of course it is battery powered and due to a different semi conductor circuit, we were even able to use up to 1 '000'000 uF decoupling. The latter is an assembly of 50 smaller capacitors that are extremely fast. On the semi conductor side, we may mention , that thermal distortion has been further decreased,, same aseddy currents within the semi conductor. This leads to a very powerful , undistorted and higly resolved sound. The new electronics in the Meteor Mipa is a class of its own. Last but not least, the Meteor cabinet, that is extremely effective in avoiding air born and internally born vibrations. This is due to the absence of flat and parallel surfaces.

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Best of the show contender: "Jonathan Valin - The Absolute Sound" "Stenheim showed its €50k Alumine Five four-driver three-way with Audio Consulting turntable, preamp, phono amp, and amp, Nagra digital, and Brandt cable from Geneva. This was quite a remarkable setup as I heard things through it that I hadn't heard as clearly on anything else, such as Paul's fingering of Sebastian (his twelve-string casket-style guitar) on my PP&M LP. A Best of Show contender, for sure."

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"The Absolute Sound - Julie Mullins" "I had the pleasure of visiting a wonderful-sounding room, a second one from Audioarts (that nearly made my top five) in Hall 1 with all-Swiss-made gear (along with some tasty chocolates) including a couple of exciting debuts: the Audio Consulting Meteor Mipa power amplifier and the Stenheim Alumine Five loudspeakers. The Meteor Mipa amp’s Zeppelin-like shape not only looks exotic, but it also reduces infernal standing waves. Other distinctive qualities of this high-efficiency amp are that it’s battery-powered with a chassis made of real wood (American maple) that can be painted in a variety of custom finishes. It’s slated to be in market by summer and to retail for around $45k. On Dean Martin’s breathy baritone and Peter, Paul & Mary’s smooth harmonies, this demo proved to be one of the more transparent I heard at the show—quite natural, realistic, and beautiful with striking resolution and finely filigreed detail."

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New Meteor Mipa Amplifier

Brilliantly Schmidlin designed the Meteor Mipa cabinet to be acoustically effective; it avoids airborne and internal vibrations by eliminating flat and parallel surfaces. It was impressive even in this not too favorable environment; the sound was transparent, detailed and pure sounding with musicality and it was very dynamic. - Stereotimes - Key Kim.

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